One Future Prize & One Future Prize Honorary Award
Film - Events Filmfest 2023

One Future Prize & One Future Prize Honorary Award


One Future Prize & One Future Prize Honorary Award

Thursday, June 29
7:00 to 10:00 pm
Evangelische Stadtakademie, Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 24, 80331 München

The people of our century face a common future — one future. In this spirit, the One Future Prize is presented each year to a film screened at FILMFEST MÜNCHEN which, ethically as well as aesthetically, shows that our world has one common future. In addition, the Interfilm Academy Munich presents an Honorary Award and, as an international forum, promotes dialogue between film, the arts, and religion for the sake of justice, peace, and the stewardship of creation. The 2023 One Future Prize Honorary Award will be presented to film director Michael Verhoeven for his lifetime achievement and his tireless commitment to social issues.

All are welcome. No registration necessary. Admission is free.