Going online - From commercial shootings to science film
Film - Events Filmfest 2023

Going online - From commercial shootings to science film



Governmental and scientific institutions, as well as companies from the private sector, are increasingly turning to audiovisual content to reach their target audiences. This panel will explore how audiovisual content is currently being created for business and science and how it will be created in the future. What influence will Web 3.0 have on the film-making process in the future? And does the transfer of knowledge in the future also depend on its entertaining impact?

Moderator: Aline von Drateln

Prof. Dr. Isabel Welpe
Suzanna Randall 
Daniel Guthor

All are welcome
Language: German
Location: TUM, Theresienstraße 90, 80333 München / Hans-Heinrich-Meinke-Hörsaal