Personal Belongings
Film - Visiones Latinas Filmfest 2008

Personal Belongings

Directed by Alejandro Brugués


Director: Alejandro Brugués
Section: Visiones Latinas
Country: Cuba
Year: 2007
PT: Efectos Personales
Language: Spanish
Cast: Caleb Casas, Osvaldo Doimeadiós, Heidi García, Roly Peña
18+ (no age rating)


Personal Belongings

Ernesto lives life in a limbo of sorts, stuck somewhere between the promise of an exit visa and the fear of rotting away in Havana. But it all changes when he is faced with an incentive to stay: love. Alejandro Brugués crafts a touching romance about the price of freedom, the power of sacrifice and the meaning of happiness. Miami International Film Festival

Meet the director

Alejandro Brugués