American Boy
Film - American Independents Filmfest 2010

American Boy

Directed by Martin Scorsese


Director: Martin Scorsese
Section: American Independents
Country: USA
Year: 1978
Language: English
18+ (no age rating)


American Boy

The film is both a documentary and a tragicomedy, in which the personal experiences of one twentysomething Jewish gay man are rendered universal. Surrounded by friends in a cozy living room, the sensitive and humorous Prince (TAXI DRIVER's gun salesman, Handy Andy) recounts his personal history, from his run-in with a gorilla, to his relationship with his parents, his childhood bagel delivery business, his coming out, his addiction to drugs, his job as Neil Diamond's road manager, and his father's falling ill. One of Prince's most exciting tales, an account of his reviving a friend's overdosing girlfriend by injecting stimulant into her heart, was re-created almost to a tee by director Quentin Tarantino in Pulp Fiction. As wild and theatrical as the young man's accounts are, Scorsese intersperses them with childhood pictures of Prince that could be of any American, quickly reminding the entire audience of their common humanity. Aubry Anne D'Arminio

with: Steven Prince, Martin Scorsese, George Memmoli, Julia Cameron, Mardik Martin, Kathi McGinnis

Meet the director

Martin Scorsese