Film - International Program Filmfest 2011


Directed by Sander Francken


Director: Sander Francken
Section: International Program
Country: Netherlands
Year: 2010
Cast: Kishan Soni, Dhamender Singh, Kolado Bocoum, Abba Bilancoro



Three folk tales from Rajasthan, Western Africa and Ladakh, India, set to music by musical celebrities from those regions and interpreted by local actors who have known these tales since childhood. The film focuses on the similarities between three totally different worlds. The world of Sahir, whose father refuses to pass judgement on his fate… the world of Bouba, a pupil at a Koran school who has to find the largest part of all knowledge… and the world of Sonam, who has to sell his dzo (a crossbreed between a yak and a cow) and sets out on a journey to town through the Himalayas with his daughter. These tales provide the viewer with glimpses of universal wisdom. "I have made the film to show that the ancient wisdom of the African also holds true for the Indian and vice versa – but also for you and for me and anyone else. When it comes down to it we all seem to think alike about the essence of our existence, whether you are a Hindu or a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish or anarchist, atheist or animist". Sander Francken

Meet the director

Sander Francken