CineMerit Award to Udo Kier - Arteholic
Film - CineMerit Award - Udo Kier Filmfest 2014

CineMerit Award to Udo Kier - Arteholic

Directed by Hermann Vaske


Director: Hermann Vaske
Section: CineMerit Award - Udo Kier
Country: Germany
Year: 2014
PT: CineMerit Award für Udo Kier - Arteholic
Language: German
Version: Original version with English subtitles
Cast: Udo Kier
18+ (no age rating)

Also in this program


CineMerit Award to Udo Kier - Arteholic

Film and art legend Udo Kier is ARTEHOLIC. He lives and breathes art. He is addicted to art. A living art piece.
Melancholic, megalomaniac, merry.
A tour de force through the Centre Pompidou, the Städel Museum, the Museum Ludwig, the Lousiana Museum and the Hamburger Bahnhof.
On his journey he meets artists like Rosemarie Trockel, Marcel Odenbach and Jonathan Meese, curators like Udo Kittelmann, Philipp Kaiser, Max Hollein and Bernard Blistene, filmmakers like Nicolette Krebitz and Lars von Trier.
The living are saluting the dead: Andy Warhol, Sigmar Polke, Robert Mapplethorpe and Martin Kippenberger. Magic and Loss.
Kier's trip is a rollercoaster ride into the addiction and abyss of art.
An overdose which ends tragically for the ARTEHOLIC.

Please note: This film (86 Min.) will be screened during the CineMerit Award Ceremony.

This film will also be screened in the section Neues Deutsches Kino. Find the dates HERE.

Meet the director

Hermann Vaske


Screenplay: Hermann Vaske
Director of Photography: Patricia Lewandowska, Miona Bogovic
Film Editor: Bastian Ahrens
Producer: Herrmann Vaske
Production Company: Emotional Network GmbH
Co-Producer: Frank Evers, Helge Neubronner, Anne-Christina Herbst
World Sales: Emotional Network GmbH
Distributor: Camino Filmverleih