Where is the Friend's Home?
Film - Children's Film Fest Filmfest 2004

Where is the Friend's Home?

Directed by Abbas Kiarostami


Director: Abbas Kiarostami
Section: Children's Film Fest
Country: Iran
Year: 1987
PT: Wo ist das Haus meines Freundes?
Language: Farsi
Cast: Babek Ahmed Poor, Ahmed Ahmed Poor, Kheda Barech Defai, Iran Outari
18+ (no age rating)


Where is the Friend's Home?

An 8 year old boy must return his friend's notebook he took by mistake, lest his friend be punished by expulsion from school -- hardly what in Hollywood parlance is called "high concept." A boy looking for a friend's home, may not on the face of it appear to be of much interest, and on the surface not much appears to happen, but in fact a great deal is happening; a boy's incursion into the meandering alleys of an unknown village takes on the scale of an odyssey. It is about the innocence of a child, with his intelligence and curiosity yet untouched and uncorrupted by the adults surrounding him -- who thwart his every attempt to achieve his goal. It is a film whose message goes much farther than what is immediately apparent; it leaves a trace in us, it reverberates in us, and changes us in some way, as true works of art do.” Claude Wanis, Los Angeles

Meet the director

Abbas Kiarostami