Greetings from the Bavarian Minister President


Dr. Markus Söder

Bavaria is a modern home to filmmaking in the heart of Europe, and it’s the cradle of German cinema. Munich is where the movie industry has always come to life. Comedian Karl Valentin made films here, followed to this day by big names in German and international film. Productions for the whole world are made in Bavaria!

This success has not come by chance. The Free State of Bavaria provides exemplary film funding through FilmFernsehFonds Bayern and has proven itself to be a reliable partner to the movie industry. It offers young filmmakers an outstanding education at the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF), which is rightly considered one of the world’s best international film schools. Major studios make this an ideal location for European productions; they offer the best conditions and the most modern technical standards. With so much scenery in Bavaria, filmmakers will find exciting shooting locations all over the state. Bavaria has a lot to offer the movies!

FILMFEST MÜNCHEN is Germany’s leading summer festival and its leading festival for the public. Every year for ten days, the whole of Munich becomes an international center of movies and moviegoing. Media professionals, journalists, and enthusiastic audiences can enjoy all kinds of films, from documentaries to big-screen epics. Everyone is eagerly looking forward to the anniversary edition of FILMFEST 2023. Best wishes for continued success!