Hamze Bytyçi

Hamze Bytyci Von Jana Kiesser Print 900X

Hamze Bytyçi is an activist, media and theater educator, director and curator. Currently, Hamze Bytyçi is finishing his Master's degree in "Art in Context" at the UDK and in the fight against antiziganism he co-initiated many alliances, associations and festivals, including Amaro Drom, the ROMADAY in Berlin, the Alliance for Solidarity with the Sinti and Roma of Europe, LinksKanax*, the Roma Biennale and the Roma Film Festival AKE DIKHEA?

Since 2012 he has been chairman of RomaTrial. He is a board member of Berliner Linke as well as ndo and a member of CPPD -Coalition for Pluralistic Public Discourse and since the season 22/23 he is the artistic director of the Green Salon at Volksbühne Berlin.