Dr. Lea Wohl von Haselberg

Csm Lea Wohl Von Haselberg Lwvh 2022

Lea Wohl von Haselberg is a film and media scholar and co-directs the Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg with Bernd Buder.

She researches and writes on Jewish film history and (audiovisual) cultures of remembrance. She has been leading research projects at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF since 2017, is an associate member of the Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg and co-editor of the magazine Yalta. Positions on the Jewish Present. She currently heads the PostDocNetwork Brandenburg-funded junior research group "What is Jewish Film?" as well as the DFG project Jewish Film Heritage, which is part of the DFG Priority Program Jewish Cultural Heritage. Most recently, she curated the exhibition Ausgeblendet/ Eingeblendet. A Jewish Film History of the Federal Republic of Germany, which was featured at the Jewish Museum Frankfurt in early 2023.