Workshop3 Neu


Roma* and Sinti* have been present in cinema since its beginning, but their stories have too often been alienated and racially distorted by others. With the series of animated short films about nine survivors and victims of the Nazi genocide of the Sinti* and Roma* of Europe, directed by Hamze Bytyçi, self-determined, diverse and resistant cinematic testimonies were created for the first time between the years 2019 and 2022, which are now part of the Memorial to the Murdered Sinti* and Roma* of Europe.

In his workshop, Hamze Bytyçi will explain the background of this film series and the connections with his personal commitment and work on the International Roma Film Festival AKE DIKHEA? which he has been directing since its foundation in 2017.

In collaboration with RomaTrial e.V.

Workshop held by Hamze Bytyçi