Day 2: 03/26/2022




8 am



9:30 am

International KEYNOTE “Creativity and Inclusion in practice at the British Film Institute”

Mia Bays and Melanie Hoyes provide insight into their personal journeys into Inclusion work and the ways in which they work collaboratively to drive change at the British Film Institute and the UK industry.  The discussion will encompass the challenges the sector faces, as well as how the BFI aims to move policy, data, research and advocacy into practice that actively helps to push the dial and increase representation on and off screen.

Followed by a conversation with Matthijs Wouter

An event in cooperation with Creative Europe Desk Munich

Mia Bays (Director BFI Film Funds)

Melanie Hoyes (BFI Industry Inclusion Executive)

Matthijs Wouter Knol

11 am

Coffee break


11:30 am

Round Table 1 / Topic 1:  What stories does German film (not) tell? (Panel)

How do I bring different stories to the screen? What characterises post-migrant material? What hurdles must be overcome to get projects financed and funded? What hurdles have to be overcome to get projects financed and funded? Filmmakers report on their projects, experiences and wishes. One question goes out to everyone: What is the most important project that has been difficult or impossible to realise so far?

Duc Ngo Ngoc

Narges Kalhor

Haley Louise Jones

Sheri Hagen

Sara Fazilat

Moderation: Christoph Gröner, Julia Weigl

12:30 pm



1:30 pm

Round Table 2 / Topic. Working together for more diver (Panel)

Which concepts can be realised by which actors? Which instruments are necessary (and possible at the present time)? What framework conditions can the financial decision-makers create to better reflect the diversity of society in film? What course must be set for further steps and developments?

Fatima Adollahyan

Nico Hofmann

Dorothee Erpenstein

Jan Krüger

Tyron Ricketts

Moderation: Julia Weigl, Christoph Gröner

2:30 Uhr

Coffee break


Panel Roundtable1




3 pm



Workshop 1: Funding Diversity

How can funds be distributed differently and more equally? What needs to be considered when allocating money? And how can money also be allocated for diversity in a production?

Moderation: Philipp Kreuzer


Workshop 2: Marketing Diversity

How do I market my film if it does not represent the German majority society? Can or do I even want to promote diversity? Is there a target audience? Or are stories ideally so universal that the migration background is just an an accessory (see A24 with MINARI or THE FAREWELL or MOONLIGHT).

Moderation: Jan Krüger


Workshop 3: Writing Diversity

The world is full of clichés and faux pas. How to avoid them as a scriptwriter and how to explore (post)migrant backgrounds in German filmmaking with sensitivity or simply depict them as a given without giving up one's artistic identity.

Moderation: Memo Jeftic, Duc-Thi Bui


Workshop 4: UK Best Case Studies - a creative approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Mia Bays (Director BFI Film Fund) and Melanie Hoyes (Industry Inclusion Executive, BFI) will present best case/worst case examples from the UK and describe their experiences from recent years.  The workshop will aim to take learnings from the successes and failures of EDI practice in the UK and ask participants to use their creativity to imagine how they might adapt these lessons for the German landscape.

This workshop is in cooperation with Creative Europe Desk Munich.

Moderation: Mia Bays, Melanie Hoyes

6 pm



7:30 pm

Film, Germany, 2021

Introduction by Haley Louise Jones, Sheri Hagen

9:45 pm

Casual Get-together in the salons of the castle