THE BLACK COP is a docu-drama that explores one former police officer's experience of being both victim and perpetrator of racism within the police force. With the ongoing conversations around racial profiling within policing, this documentary takes audiences into the usually private world of policing, told through an unfamiliar perspective.

UK 2021 Director Cherish Oteka Duration 24 Min. OV




Cherish Oteka

Cherish Oteka is an award-winning documentary filmmaker who aims to provide a platform for often-marginalised communities to tell their stories on their terms.

Cherish has worked with a range of well-known brands and broadcasters including London Live, SBTV, Tate, Stonewall, BBC Digital and, most recently, BBC One.

Also selected on well respected talent schemes including Edinburgh Television Festival's One's to Watch, Sheffield Documentary Festival's Doc Next and The Grierson Trust's Doc Lab.

In 2016, Cherish won UKTV's Rising Star Award. The following year they also won Best Documentary at the Movie Screen and Video Awards