Özkan Ezli

Ezli Oezkan 2016 1 Sw

Dr. Özkan Ezli is a scholar of literature and culture. His work focuses on cultural theory and practice, specializing in transculturalism and mobility based on analyses of literature, film, society, discourse, and theory, as well as of material culture. Özkan Ezli’s dissertation offered a comparative cultural analysis of autobiographies and travelogues of Turkish, Arab, and German provenance from the 19th and 20th centuries; it was published in 2012 as Grenzen der Kultur: Autobiografien und Reisebeschreibungen zwischen Orient und Okzident. Most recently, his book Narrative der Migration: Eine andere deutsche Kulturgeschichte, which is also his postdoctoral dissertation, was awarded the 2020 Augsburg Science Prize for Intercultural Studies and the 2021 De Gruyter Verlag Open Access Prize. Ezli is currently a lecturer at the German Department at the University of Tübingen and a research associate at the Sociology Department at the University of Münster, where he conducts research on emotional culture in immigrant society from rejection to inclusion.