Sara Weber

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Sara Weber is concerned with how our working world can become fair and fit for the future. Digitization will greatly change society and the economy in the coming years and decades. We need to find solutions that take everyone along, enable equal opportunities and are sustainable - and not just chase the latest hypes and trends.

As a freelance journalist, media consultant and digital strategist, she works on these issues. She helps people and organizations better communicate important issues to make the world a bit more diverse, equitable and sustainable. She moderates events and is a speaker - also for digital events.

Until 2021, as Senior Managing Editor at LinkedIn, she built and led the editorial teams for the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and Benelux. She was jointly responsible for content, strategy as well as product development.

At LinkedIn, they constantly reinvented themselves and their work. They have developed formats and experimented with new ideas. They have made the daily news digest on LinkedIn a staple in members' news consumption. They have established the Influencer:inside program in the region and worked closely with thought leaders from business, science, society, politics and the media.

For her work as Editorial Director at LinkedIn, Sara Weber was recognized by Kress Pro as one of the Editors-in-Chief of 2019. Together with her team, she was named one of the Business Journalists* of the Year 2019 by Wirtschaftsjournalist and Medium Magazin.

Previously, she worked as a freelance journalist and author, speaker and lecturer for Süddeutsche Zeitung, Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, Deutschlandfunk and Deutsche Welle DWTV, among others.

Sara Weber studied at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and was trained at the German School of Journalism (DJS). She is active on the board of the DJS Förderkreis and with the Neue Deutschen Medienmacher:innen.