Tyron Ricketts

Ricketts Pressebild(C)Ava Pivot Sw

Tyron is a presenter, actor and producer. At the beginning of his career
he produced and hosted the hip hop show WORD CUP on Viva and produced chart hits with his band "Mellowbag". As an actor he was part of the regular cast of the series SOKO LEIPZIG, DOGS OF BERLIN or DIE INSELĂ„RZTIN. With short films such as AFRODEUTSCH (Sundance) and the anti-racist musician alliance "Brothers Keepers" he already linked entertainment and political messages in the early 2000s.

For decades, Tyron has been committed to POC and more diversity in the media world. For the German government he realized integration programs such as "Respekt 2010" and "Heimat Almanya". With his production company Panthertainment, he produces film and series content focusing on POC stories for the global market. He is currently co-producing SAM - EIN SACHSE, the first German original for Disney+ Star, in which he also plays one of the leading roles