Instituto Italiano di Cultura

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Founded in 1955, the Italian Cultural Institute Munich is an institution of the Italian state whose aim is to spread the Italian language and culture abroad.

The program of the Italian Cultural Institute Munich includes:


  • Cultural events that focus on Italy and its culture in order to promote the dissemination of ideas, arts and sciences (concerts, readings, exhibitions, film series, theater performances, conferences);

  • Italian language and culture courses taught by experienced native teachers, also in online mode;

  • exams to obtain the CILS language diploma, which certifies knowledge of Italian at the various levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR);

  • a library where those interested can consult Italian magazines and borrow Italian books; there is also an online library with a home library and e-book lending service via the MLOL - MediaLibraryOnline platform;

  • an information and documentation service for Italian culture.