Alix Michell

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Alix Michell (*1991) studied book studies and comparative literature at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and the University of Tartu. After a research stay at the Cooperation Focus "Science and Art" at Paris Lodron University Salzburg, she completed her studies in 2018 with a Master's degree in Cultural Poetics of Literature and Media at Westfälische Wilhelmsuniversität in Münster. Most recently, she worked as a research assistant for the interdisciplinary DFG Research Training Group 1681/2 "Privatheit und Digitalisierung" at the University of Passau. There she began her doctoral work on the topic of privacy in aesthetic change in contemporary art. At the Institute for Modern German Literature at the University of Passau, she held a lectureship for children's and youth literature. Since 2020, she has been Director of Studies in the Department of Art, Culture, Digital and Education at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing.