Duc Ngo Ngoc

Duc Ngo Ngoc Sw

Duc Ngo Ngoc is a Vietnamese-German film director. He studied Master Film Directing at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF and Hanoi Academy of Theatre and Cinema. As a freelance writer and director, he realized radio features ("Waiting for War"), films (FAREWELL HALONG, OBST & GEMÜSE, TRADING HAPPINESS) and serial formats (Echt) telling stories of Vietnamese in Germany and Vietnam, among others, for public broadcasters. Since 2020, he has been leading the "DREH'S UM" film workshops, which empowers and trains young people with migration biographies to tell their personal short films from the German-Vietnamese perspective.


Filmography (selection) 

2020 TRADING HAPPINESS, feature film, production: Filmuniversität Babelsberg & ever rolling film

2017 FAREWELL HALONG, documentary, production: 42film GmbH

2017 OBST & GEMÜSE, feature film, production: RBB & Filmuniversität Babelsberg 

2016 RESEARCH REFUGEES, documentary,  production: Filmkollektiv Recherche

2014 ENTWURZELT, feature film, production: MDR, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar