Duc-Thi Bui

Duc Thi Bui 2019 Sw

Duc-Thi Bui, born in Vietnam and raised on the North Sea, first studied architecture & urban planning (diploma) at the University of Stuttgart and later film & screenwriting (bachelor) at the international film school cologne. He writes screenplays and makes films instead of music because he can't even keep time while dancing. DER MANDARINENBAUM, for which he wrote the script, was shortlisted for the German Human Rights Film Award 2020 and screened at over 50 international festivals. His current feature-length screenplay DIE FÜNF STEINE is funded by MFG Baden-Württemberg and received the Magellan Jugendbuchverlag sponsorship award as part of the Academy for Children's Media. But his love of music has never left him. As a director, he turns music videos into reality, which were shown at the Trickfilm Festival Stuttgart and were nominated for the German MuVi Award at the Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen. Since 2014, he has also directed the cultural format "PLAYTIME Album Sessions", a series of events with vinyl listening evenings in cinemas, museums and clubs. He is currently working as a head writer on a series format about a punk musician with Vietnamese roots and is writing an episode script for a new series production about young people who are looking for their place between their parents' home, the traditions of their origins and everyday German life.