25th Anniversary of the Association of Agencies (VdA)
Film - Events Filmfest 2023

25th Anniversary of the Association of Agencies (VdA)


25th Anniversary of the Association of Agencies (VdA)

Saturday, June 24
3:00 to 5:00 pm
Blitz Restaurant, Museumsinsel 1, 80538 München

25 years of the Association of Agencies! The Association of Agencies for Film, Television, and Theater (VdA), founded in 1998, will celebrate this anniversary at FILMFEST MÜNCHEN 2023. There it will award the Bernhard Hoestermann Scholarship for up-and-coming agencies for the second time. The VdA represents the interests of private artists’ agents in the fields of film, television, and theater in German-speaking countries and is committed to strengthening and upholding the standards of the profession of artists’ agents. The VdA is an honorary member of SPIO (the umbrella organization of the German film industry), a founding member of the Themis Vertrauensstelle (an association that counsels victims of sexualized violence in the film industry), and a member of the German Media Council. The VdA’s 69 member agencies represent more than 3,600 actors, directors, writers, and professionals from other fields.

By invitation only.